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“goodfortunefavorsthebraveandcourageous.”您知道有哪些人们耳熟能详的优美句子呢?灵动的句子在我们的想象中翩翩起舞, 一篇文章可以因为其优美的句子而成为永恒的经典。读时会让人从头到脚都非常放松,如果你想了解“英文简短唯美祝福语句”的内容这里有一些有用的信息,我相信你阅读这些句子后会受益匪浅!

1、Work hard and see at the highest level.

2、May you find love and happiness in every corner of your life, just like the blooming flowers in a beautiful garden.


4、May your dreams soar high and your ambition guide you towards success, like the graceful flight of a butterfly.

5、Will fall into the gentle twilight, will fall into you.



8、Wishing you a life filled with breathtaking moments, unforgettable experiences, and endless joy.


10、the key for happiness is not find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him.

11、Whether you are happy or sad or confused this year, you have to say goodbye to those happy days, those lonely nights, those broken promises and the chaotic troubles.

12、May every sunrise bring you hope, and every sunset bring you peace. 愿每一次日出都带给你希望,每一次日落都带给你平静。


14、Though distance may separate us, our friendship will always keep us connected. 虽然距离或许将我们分隔,但我们的友谊将永远连接着我们。

15、●Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year. 愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦想甜美,愿你这一年称心 如意!

16、It turns out that good feelings are not bumped by chance. It must take time to operate, be patient and tolerant, and have two people who really want to work together!

17、May every sunrise bring you hope and every sunset bring you peace.

18、Like a gentle breeze that caresses your skin, may love surround you always, bringing warmth and comfort to your heart.


20、May the beauty of nature always inspire and uplift your soul. 愿大自然的美丽时刻激励和提升你的灵魂。


22、May you find strength in the face of challenges and inspiration on the path of dreams.

23、Wish my friend, the angel of April, happy birthday.



26、May your days be filled with the simple pleasures that bring warmth to your heart and a smile to your face. 愿你的日子里充满那些给你心灵温暖和面容微笑的简单乐趣。

27、There are thousands of kinds of people in the world, so you can't ask for them without floating clouds. If you are a rainbow, you will know when you meet them.



30、May you be surrounded by warmth and love, and may every day bring you the beauty of life.



33、May I sincerely wish you a successful year and a happy birthday!

34、May the beauty of nature always bring you peace and tranquility.